Anyone who works at a company that engages in shipping will tell you that one of their major, primary pain points are issues with communication. It’s so ubiquitous that it has become a buzzword in the industry. Missed deadlines, products shipped to the wrong destination, insufficient packaging, missing documents – you name it. Nearly any issue you encounter in the shipping process can be boiled down, on some level, to issues with miscommunication.

However, to say these issues are caused, generically, by “communication” doesn’t do justice to the topic in its entirety. Communication issues are multifaceted and can occur in both directions – under-communication and overcommunication. Also, frustrations about communication issues aren’t simply about lack of information. These issues affect the activities and responsiveness of a business in the most fundamental way. But the trait shared by all is that these issues arise from a lack of process around communication practices between freight forwarders and their customers. Simply put, most freight forwarders don’t have a defined process for how communication channels can be customized and setup for individual customers to accommodate their specific needs.

This exact issue was the reason for us developing the “GEMCA” component of our Interlog SHIELD Protocol – a guaranteed solution that promises to put communication issues to rest once and for all.

GEMCA: Guaranteed Empowered Milestone & Cost Awareness

Although it’s essential to a successful freight forwarding operation, effective communication is still one of the hardest things to get right in this industry. Shippers often face problems, such as receiving too many notifications, causing important information to be missed. Identifying these areas of difficulty, InterlogUSA created GEMCA as part of its SHIELD Protocol to address these issues head-on. “Guaranteed Empowered Milestone & Cost Awareness,” or GEMCA for short, is a system that promises to improve communication and give shippers the information they need at the correct time. It also brings an irrefutable level of accountability to the industry that has long been lacking.

InterlogUSA continues to provide our readers with the latest industry news and our customers greatest industry service. Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our team today.

Additionally, we have weekly market updates that provide relevant freight news, updates, developments across the industry, and more.

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