The United States is one of the most heavily involved countries in international trade and shipping. With the heavy volume […]
New ELD Mandate Requires All Truckers to Keep Electronic Data Books
The age-old days of keeping hours, driving records and miles, and pickups and deliveries on a paper workbook are over. […]
Top 5 Benefits of Controlling Your Cargo vs. Customer Routed Cargo
Many companies prefer customer routed cargo due to the lessened workload. However, there are a ton of benefits that come with controlling your own freight. Read our blog post to learn more.
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Difference Between Standard vs. Customer Routed Shipments
Deciding who controls a shipment at what stage in the shipping process can get a bit tricky if you don’t understand the primary differences between standard vs. customer routed shipments.
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Benefits and Issues of Cloud-Based Management Systems
Technology continues to improve at a rapid rate in the logistics industry. We are beginning to see growth in […]
VGM – No It’s Not a Contagious Disease – It’s a Shipping Term
Since July 2016, all shippers are required to record the VGM, or Verified Gross Mass of their shipments and report […]
Contracts with Freight Forwarders: Pros and Cons
Nothing is quite as irritating as subjecting yourself to the volatility of rates in the transportation market when they are […]
When Spot Rates Drop Below Your Contract Rates
Contracts are meant to protect you from the potential harm caused by the volatility of rates… right? It’s often the […]
The Need for Young Grads in Logistics
At this point in time, the logistics industry is larger than it has ever been in history. The public demands […]
Reasons to Major in Logistics in College
Schools these days offer so many degrees, minors, emphases that it’s hard to decide which major is right for you. […]
The Importance of Blocking and Bracing Your Cargo
Getting your cargo onto a shipping container often feels like the last “concern” you should have in the shipping process. […]
Top 6 Differences Between International Marketing and Global Marketing
International marketing and global marketing are often used interchangeably as if the two terms are synonymous. However, they actually describe […]
Developing an Export Marketing Plan
Sales vs. Marketing A large majority of companies seem to confuse marketing from sales all too often. A simple way […]
Importance of TSA Known vs. Unknown Shippers
Since the unfolding of the tragic events of 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security has created regulations to maintain safety […]
FPPI: Definition, Importance, and Responsibilities
Looking at export terminology can sometimes feel like your staring at a bowl of alphabet soup. We get that, and […]