5 Commonly Overlooked Pitfalls of LCL Shipping

LCL is one of many great options for moving your goods across the country or international waters. However, it’s easy to overlook key issues with this method.
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How Container Weight Restrictions Impact Your Business

Ensuring your cargo meets both the size and weight requirements of a container is important – and the latter is often neglected. Here is a list of the weight restrictions on some of the most common types of containers.
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USPPI: Importance Of, Definition, and Comparisons

Despite popular belief, USPPI and Exporter are not entirely synonymous. Do you know the difference?
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NVOCC: HBL and FMC – Why It’s So Important

There are many benefits to being an NVOCC. How well do you understand the role of the FMC in issuing NVOCC licenses?
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Importing Goods for Big Box Retailers

Making the product is one thing. Getting it into a store is another. For shippers and sellers, getting a product on the shelves of a big box retailer is a dream. Here are our recommendations on importing for big box retail stores.
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Importing Goods for Amazon

Amazon is a monster in the retail industry – and the door is open to you to take a piece of the pie. Here is how you can start importing to and selling your products on Amazon.
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Customs Bonds: Difference Between Single-Entry and Continuous

Watch our animated video and read our post on customs bonds. Many people are purchasing the wrong types for their business and are subsequently losing money. Are you?
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8 Must-Report Elements in Import Security Filing

ISF Filing isn’t difficult – and if you think it is, here is an easy checklist to follow. But understanding the topic can save you lots of money in fines avoidance.
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Understanding AMS Customs Requirements

At penalties of up to $10,000 per violation, it’s worth it to understand AMS Customs requirements – and these fines can be avoided if you follow this simple checklist.
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Why Value Added Services are a Game Changer for Sellers

Manufacturers, sellers, and shippers are saving tons of money by taking advantage of Value-Added Services. Do you know this business strategy can give your business a cost-advantage?
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3 Types of Tariff Rates: How They Cause Rates to Fluctuate

These 3 different types of tariffs can make for grand differences in the pricing of your imports and exports.
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