Competitive Edge
July 3rd, 2024
Stay Current with InterlogUSA

Latest Industry Happenings and Market Updates:
IMPORT: Asia to North America (TPEB)
Rates: Another round of rate increases (GRIs) is widely expected to hit the trade on July 1. While the amount of these surcharges is still to be determined, there is a chance that container rates to the East Coast could surpass $10,000.
Space: Space continues to squeeze. In some cases, carriers have not allotted the entirety of space granted within their contracts with shippers and NVOs.
Question or concerns on how this market change will affect your upcoming shipments? Get in touch with us today!
Capacity: Stronger demand and longer voyages around southern Africa (due to geopolitical uncertainty in the Red Sea) have filled available capacity.
Congestion: A few Asian origins are reporting congestion and extended wait times. While Singapore has become the most publicized example, certain Chinese ports, like Ningbo, are also working through backlogs.
- Do not “wait it out”. Market conditions are not likely to soften anytime soon as peak shipping season is underway.
- Hold your logistics partners accountable for frequent updates regarding current market conditions, mainly continued instances of rate increases.
- Strongly consider booking shipments farther in advance as demand strengthens and space tightens.
IMPORT: Europe to North America (Transatlantic Westbound)
Labor: In June, the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), representing unionized dockworkers at U.S. East and Gulf coast ports, indefinitely suspended negotiations for a coastwide contract with maritime employers, citing a dispute with automation.
If a new labor deal is not squared away by the end of September, ILA leadership has vowed that a coastwide dockworker strike will occur.
Rates: Rates have shown little change since decreasing in April, indicating a relatively, and cautiously, healthy market.
Space: Space is open.
Capacity: Reassuring demand from U.S. importers has prompted better utilization of available capacity.
- Book at least three weeks prior to the ready date.
- Keep an eye on East Coast labor uncertainty as a coastwide strike could occur as early as October if no contract is settled between dockworkers and maritime employers.
EXPORT: North America to Asia
Rates: Outbound rates from the West Coast have plummeted to levels last seen in April. Rates out of the East Coast have levelled off, showing far less volatility.
Capacity: As seen during the pandemic, export service is vulnerable to playing second fiddle whenever carriers set their focus on a more favorable import market, as prioritizing inbound business is more profitable. As imports strengthen, exporters should heed this tendency in the market.
- Insufficient communication with sailing schedules can lead to higher detention and demurrage fees as well as higher trucking and storage costs. Ensure your logistics partners are not keeping you and your cargo in the dark.
Freight News
Congestion at Major European Ports?
Ocean carrier Cosco announced a new congestion related fee at several major European ports, due to “the current handling situation in the ports and the availability of infrastructure are leading to considerable restrictions.”
The fee, per Cosco, relates to any shipments to and from the ports of Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Wilhelmshaven, Rotterdam and Antwerp.
Additionally, ocean carrier CMA CGM has added extra capacity on major transits from China to Europe during the summer months. This includes seven additional TEU vessels on the China to Northern Europe and Mediterranean route, per ShippingWatch.
Total Daily Transits in the Panama Canal Up to 35 Starting Early August
More good news for the Panama Canal: Starting August 5th, the total number of transits will be at 35 per day.
Back in May total daily transits were at 24 but on June 1st, the Panama Canal Authority announced another increase with the total number of daily transits increasing to 32.
Then, starting July 11th that number will increase to 33 and up to 34 daily transits starting July 22nd.
Did You Know? With Johnny Cargo!

What do you think the answer is?
Johnny Cargo sure knows a lot! Other than fun facts, Johnny also can provide insight into InterlogUSA’s many service and pricing options. He is always available for a quick conversation. CLICK HERE to chat with Johnny Cargo.
NEW: Watch Our Webinar, Special Guest
NEW: FreightFM Episode Ep. 14
Curious how to use data analytics to your advantage? In this webinar we discuss all things data and how they can be used to elevate your transportation. We were joined by a special guest, Antonio Gomez, to discuss this and more in our May 22nd webinar. Take a listen!
Why are produce shipments handled differently? Why do rates/capacity change during seasonal shipping periods? How does this impact non-produce shippers? All those questions and more answered in this episode.
In last week’s Insights we recapped the month of June. This Friday we will be releasing our July Week One Insights, a special July Fourth theme.
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